Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Michelle's 40th Birthday

BR-Tanya, Amy, Connie, Jennifer Woodall, Rachel, Jennifer Watley
FR-Holly Deavers, Michelle, and me.
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Thursday, May 5, 2011

We Won Round 2!

We beat Horseshoe Bend in the 3rd game 9-5.  Great game!  Proud of Parker for doing a great job today at the plate and at short!  Now it's on to Round 3 Saturday at home against Houston Academy. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Round 2 Playoffs at Horseshoe Bend

Parker slides into 2nd (Photo courtesy of Alex City Outlook)  We won the first game and
lost the second by 1 run.  Game resumes Wed.

Parker Steven

My baby is soon to be 16. This is one proud mama.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I'm A Fighter!

Me before radiation and chemo...

It's now May and it's been a loooong, but productive spring.  A major setback happened  Jan.16th.  I had this sudden loss of speech resulting in a seizure while in the kitchen.  Thank goodness everybody was home because I would've been in major trouble if they would've gone hunting as they planned.  They called 911, paramedics, and my best friend, Teresa, to come help Russ and the boys bring me back to life. After a long ambulance ride to the hosp., I was admitted and diagnosed with 4 brain tumors.  It seems my breast cancer reared it's ugly head again moving to my brain.  10 days in the hosp., 15 total head radiations, visits from my special friends, God and  family got me back on track and back home .  The seizure was from one of the tumors, so hopefully that will never happen again.  I will be able to drive again in June! 

After....with a  swollen face! 

After taking steriods and swelling up something awful from Jan-April, I'm almost back to normal. I'm taking two kinds of chemo. pills, Xeloda and Tykerb here at home and there's no infusions this time.  The pills are specifically for metastatic brain cancer and they're working so far.  Yeah, they are also working on my stomach!  Lots of side effects, but I can do this.  I've got to get rid of this mess and carry on with my life.  So good. 
I am at home currently dealing with these new issues and missing my classroom something awful.  Goal: to return to school in August!

All I can say is prayer has carried me!  God is seeing to it that I am improving, and He's providing a wonderful husband and family that take care of me.  Along with so many friends and supporters, that's all it takes...all that plus a will to carry on.  I've got it.  Got so much to do yet....