Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Back In The Saddle Again 2009

Well, we're back at it. School is going great. Evan is a senior, Parker is a freshman and I have a wonderful young class of third graders whom I'm already in love with. Russ is overloaded, but handling things so well I can't believe it. This is our last year to all be together every day, and I'm getting wiggy just thinking about it. So I will switch to another subject. I was picked along with some other teacher friends to be an honorary guest of one of the varsity football captains for our first home game last week. I was the guest of Senior Cole Jackson. I got to wear his jersey to the peprally and be introduced, and I got to wear it on the field before the game alongside Cole and the other 4 captains and their guests as they tossed the coin. So cool! All of us girls decided we liked this and would like to continue to be picked every home game. Who would've thought? Anyway, we're off to a great start of the new schoolyear and here's to many more good things at THS!

This is one of my girls with me, Nicole. She teaches 5th grade and honestly, she's the craziest one of us. We're in my classroom and it's the end of the day Friday... a little looney by this point.

Here we are in the hot gym in the peprally. L-R Joy, Nicole, Michelle, Jenn and me.

Three Stooges right here. Jenn worked her way in and scored a jersey after all. God love her!
Jenn teaches 2nd grade and Michelle teaches 1st. Needless to say, we had a long...but fun day.